a close up of a white wall with wavy lines

"Thank you so much for your advice on option discovery, decision making. I use them daily!"

- Lena Tang, Tufts University '25, Biology and Community Health

"I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to wonderful guest Dr Rhonda Harrison for sharing her insights and experiences with us. Your perspectives have been and truly valuable for us and I’m sure our listeners will find them equally as compelling and insightful."

- Ayantika Saha, Boston University, PhD candidate, Physics & Vitamin PhD Podcast Interviewer

"I was really moved by the program Dr. Harrison provided to our group. It was was so creative and really got me thinking about what I already knew in new ways."

- Leyna Fougere, Denver University '26, Computer Science and Legal Studies

"Beyond your role as a defense panelist, your presence and technical expertise serves as an example of what is possible and a source of inspiration. For our Black and female students, in particular, your representation offers a valuable perspective and connection, demonstrating the possibilities that lie ahead."

- Christopher Kjaer, Pathways High, Mathematics Educator and Interdisciplinary Seminar Teacher
